It may seem like a simple one at first glance but when you're in the process of purchasing an individual Game Server it can become an expensive choice. What are the best ways to decide which number of slots to purchase at first? Here are some tips and mistakes I've seen in the past:

Too big! - Most people who want to buy an online Game Server assume they need more than 18 slots. It's better to have more, isn't it? No! Begin small, anywhere between 12-16 slots should suffice. You could upgrade your server once you are filling up the slots. Game Server Providers are awed by selling large public servers as almost all the time, you will not be capable of filling them quickly. Start by starting small, and gradually move to higher.

Dust is A lot of fun! - Choosing a suitable map for your server is essential to make your players content. If you're operating 32 slots Counter-Strike server and you're playing de_dust, you'll have certain players who are bitter. Unknown Hinson If the map does not have enough spawn points, it will end up killing a random amount of players at the start of the game. If the map does have enough spawn points, it could be just too packed. On the other hand, the excessively big maps can be a source of a snore when it's a 1v1 game and the other player is a matter of finding the needle in the haystack. Make your choice carefully.

Mr. Robot - Be aware of whether you intend to use bots in order to increase traffic to your server. If four slots are used by bots and it's a 12-slot server, you're leaving only 8 slots open for humans. Make sure to limit the slots of the server equal to the number of bots you intend to utilize (if there are any).

Stress If you're operating a 32-slot server that is constantly full, it could become very expensive and stressful. It's only one or two players to make everyone on the Game Server angry. You'll likely also require assistance from other administrators to ensure order within the server, and to keep it filled with players. Another disadvantage of having the most well-known Game Server is it might be slowing down and performance may swell. If this happens, it is possible to purchase two smaller Game Servers (two 32-slot Game Servers instead of one 64-slot).
